Plantain Chips with Mango Salsa and Roasted Garlic Guacamole

In Spanish they’re called the “plátano macho.” In English: plantain.  The literal translation from Spanish to English is pretty spot on: macho banana. A big, manly banana with bravado. The King Kong of the starchy, golden fruits.  They’re also macho intimidating.  As big, starchy, and cumbersome as they are, I’ve really never done anything with…

Chipotle Black Bean Salsa & Baked Tortilla Chips for Michael

Back in high school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, my little brother Michael and I would race home to the kitchen impatient and ravenous for sustenance.  For me, I needed to calm the storm of angst and hormones feverishly brewing inside.  For Michael, to refuel the enormous man-boy body he possessed by age 14.   We got…